This experience was definitely life changing! I’ve gotten even more than what I ever expected. But before anything, I’d like to thank those who provided me with these incredible months. To the Mladiinfo people, who always cared for ...
2020. What a year. Such a huge change in the world, where everything got turned upside down, and then some more. People were lost and losing, and that made me take a good look at my own life, on how I could help this world and society i ...
Do you want to spend 12 months helping in an autistic center in Slovakia?Who: a volunteer who is interested in social workWhere: Borová (village near Trnava), SlovakiaWhen: june / july 2020Costs covered by the ESC grant: accommodation, fo ...
His name is Dusan Dedecek. He enters the room with a young woman by his side, Ivana Kristofovicouva. By using the sign language, he introduces himself and says – ‘Hi. My name is Dusan. I’m 56 years old. I will be using the Slovak vers ...
Prvýkrát vysielame do Ázie! Dobrovoľnícka služba na 2 mesiace (október-december 2018). Pre dobrovoľníka/čku zo Slovenska čaká zaujímavý kombinovaý projekt v múzeum a na univerzite. Kde: Thajsko, Songkhla Province ...