When you want to apply for a volunteer position, your application will most likely include a CV and a motivation letter. A CV is quite straightforward for everyone, but what should you write about in your motivation letter? What is the bes ...
Eurodesk je organizácia, ktorá vytvára príležitosti pre medzinárodné vzdelávanie mladých ľudí a povzbudzuje ich k aktívnemu občianstvu. Jedným z ich najznámejších projektov je práve každoročná kampa ...
#ErasmusDays je iniciatívou, ktorá každoročne v dňoch od 15 do 17. Októbra prináša do miest po celom svete podujatia, diskusie, workshopy a rôzne iné udalosti zamerané na oslavu a propagáciu programu Erasmus+ a vzdelávacích i ...
What is the European Solidarity Corps and how can you take part in this programme? Watch our video to learn more! Don't forget to look at our presentation to check on some information about ESC again if needed. Hopefully we answe ...
We are so excited to to welcome a new volunteer Ljupco in our team! Read more to find out why he is here and where he comes from. I am Ljupco Nastoski from Macedonia. In my free time, I like watching documentaries about the ...