MLADIINFO LIVE TALK IV. |Social entrepreneurship in V4 countries

18. February 2021 | Experience Valuable Sharing |
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Mladiinfo Live Talk IV. is here! Tune in for the first Mladiinfo international Live Talk for positive impact and find out everything you always wanted to know about social entrepreneurship.

We discussed the basics of social entrepreneurship and discovered hot tips from young social entrepreneurs in Slovakia during the Mladiinfo Live Talk III.

This time, together with our guest speakers, we will dive deeper into the benefits of social entrepreneurship to power social and environmental impact with a special focus on the Visegrad countries – Slovakia, Czech republic, Hungary and Poland. What is the landscape of social and sustainable enterprises in this region? How can young people enter this emerging area of business?

Ask your questions and get the freshest answers on social entrepreneurship from young inspiring entrepreneurs:

  • Anna Sedláková & Karolína Krejčová (CZ)

Ann & Karolína are powerful women, friends and founders of Indianky, the first non-profit organisation in Czech republic specializing in infertility, hormonal imbalance, PCOS and endometriosis.

The organisation was founded in October 2019. Since then, it has been spreading awareness nationwide and showing not only girls that they are definitely not alone in this. The founders put together the website as a cornerstone for creating a fear and shame free environment where they want to show all possible paths to fertility and organize meetings of people facing the same challenge – essentially what they themselves missed in the Czech Republic. Indiánky launched our first hormonal balance awareness product- herbal tea called “Rozkvět indiánky”. They participated in the acceleration program Social Impact Awards Czech 200 and won the patron and jury award (Linkedin).

  • Julián Gerhart (SK)

Julián is from Slovakia and studied Marketing Communication at Aarhus University in Denmark and McMaster University in Canada. During his studies, he encountered many interesting innovative approaches in online education. These inspired him to return to Slovakia and try to launch a similar initiative to help Slovak education and teachers.

Together with 5 young people, he founded the non-profit educational project, which helps young people prepare better for “real life” through short online video courses. Thanks to the platform, youth can access free videos on various topics, e.g. CV writing, how to choose college, stress management and much more. These free video courses are also used by hundreds of teachers throughout Slovakia (Linkedin).

Join us on Thursday 25 February at 18:30 CET and help young social entrepreneurs become catalysts for meaningful change using sustainable business models. 

The discussion will be streamed live on Mladiinfo Slovensko FB profile. No registration needed!
See you

Mladiinfo Live Talk IV. is organised as a part of the project Social Innovators Network, funded by the Erasmus+ programme.

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