Ivana Petrisková
projektová koordinátorka
mobil: +421 911 233 180
email: ivana(a)mladiinfo.eu
Are you interested in doing European Voluntary Service (EVS) with us?
For whom: young people 17-30 years old
Duration: usually starting in September for 12 months
Activities: helping young people to acquire international experience and to broaden their horizons
Grant: accommodation, food money 150 eur/month, pocket money 95 eur/month, insurance, Slovak language course, travel allowanceThe project aim is to learn new things and gain valuable experience in the form of non-formal learning in an intercultural environment.
Are you motivated to positively influence other people´s live? We help young people to acquire international experience and to broaden their horizons. Are you willing to become part of our team and help us with this mission? If yes, get in touch with us and get your EVS place reservation in our office today.
– Information services
– Media & communication/youth information
– Graphic design
– Video production
– Blogs and interviews
– Co-organizing trainings and exchanges in Slovakia and abroad
– Sending participants to international mobility projects
– EVS Alumni Club – sharing/organizing event for our former EVS volunteers
– Goal settings and importance of values;
– Basics of a website management and social media management;
– Web-content editing (WordPress, pictures editing, video editing, articles editing);
– Great overview of the youth opportunities;
– Understanding of the youth mobility programs and Erasmus+ program;
– Project management cycle going form idea through implementation to evaluation;
– Sense of entrepreneurship by own personal projects;
– Intense practical international team work experience;
– Valuable contacts and possibility to meet with many active and inspiring young people;
– Basics of Slovak language – very good start for learning other Slavic languages.
Ivana Petrisková
projektová koordinátorka
mobil: +421 911 233 180
email: ivana(a)mladiinfo.eu
Ondrej Mäsiar
predseda a spoluzakladateľ
člen výkonnej rady Mladiinfo International
mobil: +421 907 330 521
email: info(a)mladiinfo.sk
Address: Mladiinfo Slovensko, Staré Grunty 36, 84104 Bratislava, Slovakia
Registration No: 42183774
Legal form: Non-profit organization
PIC: 948324478
EVS EI: 2015-1-SK02-KA110-000642
IBAN: SK7609000000000635211768
Account name: Mladiinfo Slovensko
Name of the bank: Slovenska sporitelna
Address of the bank: Tomasikova 48, 832 37 Bratislava, Slovakia
By now we have hosted EVS volunteers from the following countries.
Mladiinfo Slovensko was established by former EVS volunteers in 2010 in Bratislava, Slovakia. It is a well established non-profit organization promoting education and youth mobility. Mladiinfo supports young people with information about various educational and mobility programs, internships, trainings, conferences, volunteering, Erasmus+ program and other opportunities abroad and in Slovakia. Internet, consultations with young people and various info events are used as the main tool to spread success stories, to motivate for participation and to promote active citizenship. Mladiinfo mission is “Helping to inform young people about the educational opportunities around them.” Mladiinfo office is located in Bratislava Mlynska dolina, which is the largest complex of student dormitories in Slovakia with around 8 000 students. Mladiinfo is an active EVS sending organization in Slovakia and active EVS hosting and coordinating organization in Bratislava. Mladiinfo Slovensko is member of Eurodesk Slovensko, an observer member at Youth Council of Slovakia and a member of registered European network Mladiinfo which is a co-operating organisations of European Youth Information and Counselling Agency (ERYICA). Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | YouTube