“Pan, who and what art thou?” he cried huskily.
“I’m youth, I’m joy,” Peter answered at a venture, “I’m a little bird that has broken out of the egg.”
― J.M.Barrie, Peter Pan
Youth, joy and „young birds“ with their wonderful projects. That is roughly how the atmosphere last weekend during the Youth Conference in one small city in the east of Slovakia, Medzilaborce looked like. With the main purpose to inform young people about their opportunities and further on to inspire them to take action, the conference definitely fulfilled its purpose.
The Conference hall filled with youngsters from the local high school that wants to know more about their options to have international experiences now and in the future. I felt a bit tense before going to the conference, though all my stress just disappeared seeing all young people around. As an EVS volunteer in Slovakia thanks to the opportunities that Erasmus Plus program has provided to me I simply shared my experience with them about being a volunteer in a foreign country and hopefully inspired them to the something similar.
Courage, courage, courage! “My job” and similarly for the other speakers was to encourage the youngsters to make this brave move that could open up many options in their lives. The conference was the exact place where they were given more information about the options they might not have heard of and give them hints how to do find out more and how to become part of different educational programs waiting for them out there.
One of the organizers herself is one of them. Young Viktoria Malincakova is an 18-year-old high school student that is really involved in the civic life and also an active part of Mladiinfo Ambassadors.
“It was a pleasure to see these young people that are willing to step out of the comfort zone and make a difference, to have a will to go further than most of their agemates and experience the life in a totally different surrounding. I wish you, guys, more inspiring events like this one”
TAMARA IVANOVA, EVS Volunteer from Macedonia