Leaded by the quote “Be the change you want to see in the world”, I joined Mladiinfo’s team on 1st of April 2015.
I strongly believe that the politicians are not those ones which are changing the world and make the things better, but the ordinary people with their daily actions of kindness, helping and making a difference.
What volunteering is bringing to me, what I am bringing to the society?
1.Developing of my presentation and communications skills, by presenting the volunteering opportunities abroad to youth people in Slovakia. How do I improved them? By constantly presenting the work of Mladiinfo Slovensko in front of youth people, advising them, providing support, holding small workshops and communication with them.
Festival “Bažant Pohoda” 2015, introducing the European Voluntary Service to Slovak students.
Presenting the “Learn and Travel” Volunteering Program conducted by Mladiinfo Slovensko at the Mladiinfo Večierok, organized by me and the other volunteer from Italy.
2. Makes me a reliable and responsible team member, teaches me how to work in a international environment, to accept differences and to learn from them, through the work in a international team.
Workshop “How to succeed on a job interview”, team work. I had a chance to contribute and share with the participants my experiences from Macedonia regarding this topic.
3. With my activity I am strengthening the community where I live, which is resulting in building empathy, strengthen my social bonds, bring me optimism and makes me smile — all factors that increase the feeling of love. I call this ”mental rewards” of being volunteer 🙂
Supporting our friends and their coffe bussines at Faculty of Architecture in Bratislava, Slovakia.
Helping to “Divadlo bez domova“ in Bratislava to prepare their stage for the future performance. Their main aim is to develop and perform own theatre performances, during working with non-with homeless people, disabled, socially, physically or emotionally handicapped people.
4. Gain professional experience by attending trainings and seminars for self-developing, self-esteem, social media and media trainings, conflict management and personal branding. Attending the “Eurodesk Training Qualifying Programme ” for multipliers, activities mainly focused on facilitation, motivation and presentation skills.
Participant at International conference “European Union and opportunities for Youth People 2014 Erasmus Plus”, Bratislava, Slovakia.
Funded by the European Union.