Pre dvoch Slovákov/Slovenky ponúkame v spolupráci s organizáciou Prostir Molodi originálny projekt v meste Užhorod.
Pre koho: mladí ľudia (18 – 30 rokov)
Kde: mesto Užhorod pri hraniciach so Slovenskom, Ukrajina
Kedy: 1.3.2017 – 28.2.2018 (12 mesiacov)
Grant Erasmus+: ubytovanie, strava, vreckové 55 eur, poistenie, cestovné náklady, kurz jazyka
Prihlášky do: 24.12.2016
Prihlasovací formulár:
Iniciatívny a aktívny dobrovoľník s nápadmi, záujem o ukrajinskú kultúru a jazyk sú vítané. Projekt môže byť vhodný napríklad pre absolventov medzinárodných vzťahov, sociálnych a spoločenský vied, vzdelanie ale nie je kritérium pri výbere dobrovoľníkov. Organizácia očakáva najmä iniciatívnosť a motiváciu.
Hostiteľskou organizáciou je organizácia Prostir Molodi. V organizácii pôsobia mladí ľudia a organizácia má podporu od vedenia mesta Užhorod. Mesto má približne 120.000 obyvateľov, veľa mladých ľudí a študentov. Viac informácií o organizácii nájdete v oficiálnej databáze registrovaných organizácií na prijímanie zahraničných dobrovoľníkov.
Od dobrovoľníka sa nevyžadujú špecifické zručnosti. Dôležitým faktorom je motivácia, chuť učiť sa nové veci a zlepšovať sa. Dobrovoľník bude môcť byť zapojený najmä do týchto aktivít:
Všetky náklady ako ubytovanie, strava, mesačné vreckové (55 eur), poistenie do zahraničia, príspevok na cestovné (do 180 eur), kurz ukrajinského jazyka sú hradené z programu Erasmus+ Európska dobrovoľnícka služba. Je predpoklad, že dobrovoľníkovi nevzniknú počas projektu vyššie výdavky, ktoré by musel hradiť so svojich vlastných peňazí. Projekt je týmto otvorený pre každého motivovaného mladého človeka.
Prijímajúca organizácia
Prostir Molodi
Tlekhasa, 76/74, 49, 88000 Uzhhorod, Ukraine
Mykola Siusko
Head of the organization
Vysielajúca organizácia
Mladiinfo Slovensko
Ondrej Mäsiar
Mladiinfo Slovensko, Staré Grunty 36 84104 Bratislava
+ 421 907 330 521
Veľký dôraz v projekte je kladený na bezpečnosť dobrovoľníkov. Mesto Užhorod priamo hraničí so Slovenskom a spojenie je zabezpečené niekoľkými pravidelnými linkami každý deň. Časti Ukrajiny s prebiehajúcim konfliktom sú vzdialené približne tisíc kilometrov na východ od Užhorodu. Dobrovoľníci získajú nepretržitú podporu počas projektu zo strany Mladiinfo ako aj Ukrajinskej hostiteľskej organizácie.
NGO “Prostir Molodi” is an organization located in Uzhhorod, on the international edge of Western Ukraine, surrounded by the borders with Slovakia, Poland, Romania and Hungary. It was founded in May, 2014 by the active youth of the region.
The main goal of the organization is to give space and support to young people develop and present themselves as active part of the society.
Inspired by their location, culture and history, many open-minded young people are searching for possibilities to develop, explore, grow and create. Having these preconditions, we decided to establish an organization which will become a platform for young activists who are looking for their own Space for development.
The vision of the organization is uniting young people in an active civic society, where they would be ready to follow their passions and goals using their talents, skills and knowledge by making this world better.
Our main objectives are:
– To stimulate the development of a civic society and active citizenship;
– To open new possibilities for self-development and development in cultural, economical, creative spheres for young people;
– To promote human rights and democratic ideas, especially solidarity and tolerance;
– To protect the environment, to promote a sustainable way of life and the respect of the environment;
– To create the opportunities for social dialogue via different platforms of communication for the local society, involving national and international actors;
– To support the cultural development in the region through the non-formal education;
– To promote and raise the awareness about the possible cooperation with the European Union;
– To create opportunities for life-long education for the locals via trainings, workshops, exchanges and other forms of formal and non-formal education.
The target group of the NGO is youth (18-30 years) of the region who would like to be engaged in the social life of the region and/or develop in the field of work with youth.
In order to achieve the aim of organization, we are working on establishing strong cooperation with all foreign elements in our region, which are local foreign communities, students for other countries and tourists. We believe that experience and knowledge of our partners from abroad and our common work can enrich both of the sides.
In two years since the creation of the NGO, its participants have participated in a large number of different social activities. Our youth leaders organized many projects for the NGO and student self-government.
One of the establishers of “Prostir Molodi” Kateryna Keretsman is a former EVS volunteer. She did her EVS project during 2013-2014 in Brno, Czech Republic in NGO “Hnuti Brontosaurus”.
Based on that, Kateryna shared her experience with other volunteers in “Prostir Molodi”, therefore most of the participants from the hosting organization, even though it’s a first project for the NGO, have clear vision and understanding about the practical points of the coming experience.
The organization is located in very multicultural area, since there are very big number of foreigners and locals from different nations; it gives us experience in communication and assimilation with people from other countries.
The head of the NGO, Mykola Syusko, is working with youth for last 6 years as an organizer of the conferences, youth camps and other events, where the main targeted group is youth. There he gained a lot of knowledge about the practical arrangements, starting from the planning the logistics, taking care of the daily needs (food, accommodation, transportation, obtaining needed documents for foreigners) and of course, following up on the learning process of the participants both long and short term projects.
Chairman of the Legal Department of the NGO ‘Prostir Molodi’ Ivan Poluzhyn has been involved to a plenty of activities since 2009. Being as a member and then as a coordinator of student educational and scientific projects from 2009 to 2014, and then starting from 2014 – general youth projects, Ivan has been taking active part in the realization of youth policy in Transcarpathian Region of Ukraine. Several international scientific events organized by Ivan helped to popularize the most western region of Ukraine among other parts of the country and neighboring states. He has a good background in crisis project management which helps to move any project in the right direction. Ivan will be the coordinator of the EVS project. His wide experience in project management and teaching will help to drive the EVS experience for the volunteers in the right direction, and coordinate the learning process.
Kateryna Keretsman, the head of International department, as a former EVS volunteer, whose experience was descried before, will take care of the internal trainings for the volunteers dedicated to their learning process s well. Big part will be dedicated to the competences that volunteers want to develop and creating a clear way how they can get to their target during the time of their project. She will help them to set personal objectives that they would like to gain and reflect on the achievements during the learning journey.
In general in the organization are around 15 permanent volunteers who are actively participating in the life of the NGO. All of those people will be involved in the process by being part of hosting organization and will be ready to offer different kind of help to the coming volunteers in case of any need.