Workshop pre deti na Montessori škole v Bratislave

10. May 2017 | Naše aktivity |
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Naše Mladiinfo EDS dobrovoľníčky, Tamara, Arianna a Buket urobili spoločne workshop pre deti na montessori škole v Bratislave, ktorá pomáha rozvíjať potenciál detí naplno, keďže deti sa učia cez praktické aktivity z každodenného života. Prečítajte si aké boli ich bezprostredné pocity a dojmy…

As one of the first event together, last week we had the chance to visit Montessori School in Bratislava and to present the EVS programme to the kids and to talk to them about our cultures and countries.

Making presentations in front of a crowd is always difficult but it is even harder especially when the audience is children and you are not quite sure how their reactions would be. Considering this, at the stage of preparing the presentation, we tried to look for ways how to make our speech interesting, yet informative. That’s why when the meeting day had arrived, we were all anxious and excited. However, as we sat down on a rounded table while all the children’s eyes were on us, we calmed down and started talking about ourselves, EVS, volunteering and the European Union. We played some icebreaker games to encourage them to share their opinions with us and we played a trivia game to give them some notions about EU, in a pleasant and interactive way.

“We believe that we had a successful event and that we made an impact on the kids and we look forward to meeting other schools soon to spread awareness about EVS and to share our experience of being volunteers in Bratislava”

Authors: Mladiinfo Slovensko EVS Volunteers (Tamara Ivanova, Arianna Pancotti, Buket Akkanat)

“Myslím, že poobedie dopadlo dobre. Dievčatá si to pripravili veľmi kreatívne a vhodné pre naše deti. Zaujali ich. Deti sa trošku hanbili rozprávať po anglicky, ale tým, že si pripravili také aktivity, že do nich zapojili všetky deti, tak to bolo super.”

Miriam Brišová, sprevádzajúci učiteľ 3. trojročia

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