You can find the English version of the article "Mladiinfo Live Talk V." here.Anglickú verziu článku o Mladiinfo Live Talku V. nájdeš tu. Štvrtok 25. marca sme zorganizovali náš prvý Live talk po anglicky. Live talk V. bol ...
Mladiinfo Live Talk V. is here! Get ready to expand your horizons on social innovations. We will prove to you that it is never too soon to start your business. We discussed the basics of social entrepreneurship in Slovakia during Li ...
Štvrtok 25. februára sme zorganizovali prvý medzinárodný Live Talk na tému sociálne podnikanie v krajinách V4. Ak si Mladiinfo Live Talk IV. nestihol/a, nevadí. Celú diskusiu si môžeš pozrieť na našom Facebooku, ...
Mladiinfo Live Talk IV. is here! Tune in for the first Mladiinfo international Live Talk for positive impact and find out everything you always wanted to know about social entrepreneurship. We discussed the basics of social ent ...
Mladiinfo Live Talk IV. is here! Tune in for the first Mladiinfo international Live Talk for positive impact and find out everything you always wanted to know about social entrepreneurship. We discussed the basics of social entrep ...