Dlhodobá stáž v našej organizácii na pozíciu asistenta/ky projektovej koordinátorky! Pre koho: študenti/ky VŠ (najlepšie bývajúci v Mlynskej doline) Prihlášky: najneskôr do 30.9.2019 na: ivana(a)mladiinfo.eu Pomáhaj nám ...
Do you want to BOOST your knowledge on the topics of Responsible, Eco and Sustainable Tourism? BOOST your communication skills? BOOST your intercultural competences? BOOST your opportunities by networking and action taking? Then we have t ...
IUVENTA - Slovenský inštitút mládeže pripravila pre žiakov vyšších ročníkov základných škôl a študentov stredných škôl trilógiu podujatí pod názvom „ŽIVÁ KNIŽNICA - BÚRANIE PREDSUDKOV A STEREOTYPOV ...
“My biggest dream is connected to my work. I work as a teacher with children with disabilities, which is very challenging.” Peter Birka, a 64 years old deaf athlete told about the benefits of the project, young participants, happiness ...
His name is Dusan Dedecek. He enters the room with a young woman by his side, Ivana Kristofovicouva. By using the sign language, he introduces himself and says – ‘Hi. My name is Dusan. I’m 56 years old. I will be using the Slovak vers ...