Mladiinfo Live Talk V – Social innovations in V4 countries: sharing entrepreneurial and volunteering

22. March 2021 | Archív |
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Mladiinfo Live Talk V. is here! Get ready to expand your horizons on social innovations. We will prove to you that it is never too soon to start your business.

We discussed the basics of social entrepreneurship in Slovakia during Live Talk III and shared interesting experiences from Czechia and Slovakia in Live Talk IV.

This time, together with our guest speakers, we will dive deeper into youngsters developing own social ideas and revealing the secrets of two young social innovators.

Do you feel too young for business? Do you want to undertake something, but you are not sure about it?

Don’t worry! Get inspired by our guests: Emese is still a high school student and Zsanett just ended university. Their ideas are thriving in Hungary and they are looking forward to answering all your questions.

Our guests will be:

Emese Pólya (HU)

Emese is Hungarian student and conversation-enthusiast. She is a senior in high school and a freshman in social entrepreneurship. She started her award-winning communication card game, Metamorf, as a school project in 2019. Metamorf is a Card Game which is fun and easy-to-use tools that encourage worthful communication and community building, designed by youngsters driven by the motivation to “reach and teach” their own generation.

Apart from Metamorf, she enjoys taking part in other social projects, such as online tutoring disadvantaged kids, teaching first aid, or enabling youth to make happy career choices.

Zsanett Szaboó (HU)

Zsanett studied political sciences in my bachelor and graduated social policies master last year and she is planning to start my Phd. next September. Her studies focused on the living conditions and the quality of life of people with disabilities living in care homes. Her passion for the environment led her to the creation of project TENTE which focuses on recycling of Sziget festival tents.

Zsanett is currently volunteering under the frames of European Solidarity Corps and Mladiinfo in Bratislava. She works at a facility which offers daily activities for young adults with learning disabilities.

Simona Krivá & Michaela Anna Jurkovičová, Mladiinfo LIVE TALK V. moderators.

Join us on Thursday 25 March at 18:30 CET and help young social entrepreneurs become catalysts for meaningful change using sustainable business models.

The discussion will be streamed live on Mladiinfo Slovensko FB profile. No registration needed!
See you ?

Mladiinfo Live Talk V. is organised as a part of the project Social Innovators Network, funded by the Erasmus+ programme.

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