Insights from our Online Summer Academy on Social Entrepreneurship

21. September 2020 | Naše aktivity |
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On 24 – 27 August 2020 we hosted our very first Online Summer Academy on Social Entrepreneurship! In cooperation with Impact Hub Budapest, Impact Hub Prague and the Social Impact Award, we delivered online training course.  Together with 15 participants from Slovakia, Hungary and Czech Republic we explored the topic of social entrepreneurship and learned what it means to be a young social entrepreneur. How did it go?  

Social entrepreneurship is a hot topic that is becoming more and more popular, especially among young people.  With more challenges arising, young people want to tackle these challenges by bringing a business solutions that would be not only profitable but rather socially beneficial and sustainable. And we all know that young people have the power and potential to change things to better. In Mladiinfo, we believe that social entrepreneurship is the right way to bring solutions to society’s most pressing social, cultural, and environmental challenges. And we are not the only one! 

We brought this 4-days online training course with a diverse programme covering the topics of social entrepreneurship, sustainability, time-management, community involvement and marketing led by experienced trainers and facilitators from Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia! We held interactive online workshops on identifying sustainable business opportunities and developing cool social business ideas with deeper meaning. For more experienced entrepreneurs, we prepared sessions focused on navigating small and medium enterprises on their long-term sustainability journey.

The training course was based on non-formal education methods so we are pretty sure our participants gained not only intense learning experience but also had a bit of fun! The inspiring sessions and workshops led by experts and facilitated by experienced moderators, using many interactive digital tools enabling participants to practice their digital skills as well. We had the pleasure to be joined by guest speakers from leading organisations  using  and promoting social entrepreneurship to tackle the world’s toughest challenges such as Kristína Fousová, Beatrix Bedo, Liza Degtyareva, Katarína Fisherová, Okan McAllister, Ondřej Stanek, Filip Goszler a Ondrej Durkáč. 

How was our academy according to our participants? 

„I feel more empowered! The most important insight I got was on how a business can take a direction into social entrepreneurship, benefitting others most importantly rather than profiting only.“

„I’ve learnt that I need to keep trying in order to achieve something and I saw a couple of beautiful examples of social enterprises led by young people. I definitely feel more empowered but I know there is a long way ahead of me.“

„Thank you for such an inspiring and educational opportunity!“

„Thanks very much for the opportunity! I really feel very lucky to have had the opportunity to attend. Good luck for the upcoming future and let´s keep in touch!“

Watch the aftermovie here and stay tuned for more upcoming activities of the Social Innovators Network. 

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